Monday, July 13, 2009

An Enlightning Day

Well today started off pretty normal; woke up, went to work...u know, the regular routine. I was even able to schedule all the appointments that I needed to make before heading off to Ross. I gotta make sure those eyes and the rest of my body are in tick, top shape! Sidenote: in order for me to get more contacts, I HAVE to go every year which is a pain in the butt b/c i sit in the chair for 5 seconds. That was my venting for the day, sorry lol. Anyways, my dentist appointment went well today. I enjoy those visits, because I can say it is THAT practice that made up my mind that I wanted to practice medicine in an underserved area. It does make me nervous driving in the vincinity of the office because it's not in the best area. But I think thats the beauty of it. The office is like a candle in a dark room, small but radiates through its entire. The care that the staff provide is phenomenal and the practice is a positive force in a troubled community. The staff has known me my entire life and has been along with me on this journey; so it's extra special for them to see me come to this point. They hugged me and my dentist told me to study reeeally hard lol and to enjoy the adventure. He also told me that the good thing is that it's just "me" that I have to take care of, b/c in his day it was his wife, two kids aaand himself. And to think that at one time in my life I was bummed out b/c it didnt look like i was going to get married by the age of Lord works in mysteeerious ways. He also told me that I'll make some friendships that will last forever..kinda think i already have. Went home and found out about the new Surgeon General what an inspiration..another reminder how important providing for the underserved is. Decided to check out and compare prices on my book list....what a doosey. I have compared three different resources and I'm STILL at a lost of what to buy and how to buy I had to stop after 1.5 hours b/c i felt like I was going to lose it. But the good thing is, I'm not in this alone....:-) Today was a day of confirmation and I appreciate it.

Until next time, peace and blessings to you all...

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