Sunday, September 6, 2009

Tis the Night Before Classes

Tis the night before classes and all through the house, some ants were stirring but thank God not a

I'm heeeeeere!! Sorry for the delay been taking care of a lot of stuff since I arrived. Well I got here on August 28th(flew from Norfolk, VA to Charlotte to Puerto Rico to Antigua to Dominica)...left at 7 am, got there at 6pm..with delays and layovers. Then about a majority of my classmates and I luggage got lost....grrrr. We were told that it would most likely be delivered to the school on the following day (it did lol). Word of wisdom for everyone; always take a few changes of clothes and your necessities in your carryon...thank God I did. My landlord picked up my roomie and I from the housing office at Ross and took us to our apartment. Sooo happy my apartment looked like how it did from the pictures. YES!! The next week followed with a bunch of orientations, "scared straight" talks about passing and failing(gotta love those), and island tours. I took awesome tours to the native Carib Indians territory on the other side of the island, traveled to Emerald Pool where there's an awesome waterfall, and went on a canoe to travel down the set of where Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3 movies were filmed :-). During this past week, I'm glad I made a gameplan of what i wanted to accomplish for each day. Went to the bank and opened up an account(everybody's on island time, so prepared to wait awhile), glad i got there early. This past Friday, I had checkin. I was glad that I had took care of everything so I was able to skip most of the stations during checkin. This blogg is gettin a lil long, so I'm just gonna post the answers to the most common questions that I've been getting since arriving.

1. How is it down there?
I really like it actually and I feel that I have adapted quite well. There are folks that complain about it, but I stick around positive people which is a good thing. The weather is hot and humid and we're in the rainy season, so it rains spontaneously for only a few minutes. So you carry an umbrella, bottled water and wear insect repellant as a perfume everyday lol. Cows are more common here than cats and dogs, so when you're walking they're always chillin on the side of the road. They're friendly and they dont bother you. But I'm not going to lie, I'm still scared of them lol But I've never seen a more beautiful place in my life. I am truly blessed to see the sights and sounds that I do every day here.
2. What do you eat?
Well food choices here are a lot differet than the US...the only fast food restaurants they have here are KFC and Subway lol. But I pretty much eat from the "Shacks" every day which is pretty much an outside food court for students..I am addicted to their juice which is from fresh fruit.There is a pizza joint and a lot of chinese restaurants here, like everywhere else in the world. But the food choices are pretty healthy and its not cooked in a lot of grease.
3. How do you pay for stuff?
Although they do take US currency here, it's better to just exchange it into Eastern Caribbean dollars..the exchange rate is 2.67. For example, if an item costs $2 American than it's actually $5.34 EC. People may try to rip you off when giving you back change for your US, so just exchange it from the beginning
4. What is the time difference?
We're on the same time as U.S Eastern Standard...the only difference is when the U.S "falls back" an hour, we stay the same.. The sun sets at around 6:00 pm and rises around 6:00am. So during the night, it feels a lot later than it is...just something im getting used to.

But thats it for now...I gotta rest up for my first day of classes tomorrow!!!Later gators!!